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Proficient in Reading:  Elementary 27%, Middle 37%, High 36%   Distinguished in Reading: Elementary 17%, Middle 20%, High 20%

Proficient in Math: Elementary 25%, Middle 28%, High 28%         Distinguished in Math: Elementary 7%, Middle 8%, High 10%

Fingerprinting & Background Check

Why do we conduct Fingerprinting and Background checks?
KRS 160.380(5) (a) A superintendent shall require a national and state criminal background check
on all new certified hires in the school district and student teachers assigned within the district.
Excluded are certified individuals who were employed in another certified position in a Kentucky
school district within six (6) months of the date of hire and who had previously submitted to a national
and state criminal background check for the previous employment.
(b) The superintendent shall require that each new certified hire and student teacher, as set forth
in paragraph (a) of this subsection, submit to a national and state criminal history background check
by the Department of Kentucky State Police and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
(c) All fingerprints requested under this section shall be on an applicant fingerprint card provided by
the Department of Kentucky State Police. The fingerprint cards shall be forwarded to the Federal
Bureau of Investigation from the Department of Kentucky State Police after a state criminal
background check is conducted. The results of the state and federal criminal background check shall
be sent to the hiring superintendent. Any fee charged by the Department of Kentucky State Police
and the Federal Bureau of Investigation shall be an amount no greater than the actual cost of processing
the request and conducting the search.
Who is required to be fingerprinted and have a background check?
All applicants for employment in the Bell County Board of Education including substitute teaching, classified, and certified
applicants.  ALL volunteers are required to complete a criminal background check.  In addition, any parent serving on a School Based
Decision Making Council (SBDM) must be fingerprinted and have a criminal background check completed.
Where do I go to get fingerprinted and complete my background check?
Come to the Bell County Board of Education building and see Judy Fuson, personnel coordinator.