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Proficient in Reading:  Elementary 27%, Middle 37%, High 36%   Distinguished in Reading: Elementary 17%, Middle 20%, High 20%

Proficient in Math: Elementary 25%, Middle 28%, High 28%         Distinguished in Math: Elementary 7%, Middle 8%, High 10%

School Based Decision Making (SBDM) Councils


SBDM Councils

Jennifer Yankey

SBDM Coordinator


211 Virginia Avenue

Pineville, KY 40977

Phone: 606-337-7051

Fax: 606-337-1412


School Based Decision Making

Published: 1/14/2016 11:34 AM
In the 1990 legislative session, the Kentucky legislature passed HB 940, which is best known as the Kentucky Education Reform Act (KERA). Essentially, this piece of legislation changed the face of education in Kentucky from curriculum to finance. One drastic change that came with KERA was in governance, and the introduction of school-based decision making councils by KRS 160.345.

​ School councils promote shared leadership among those who are close to the students. Membership of each council includes parents, teachers and an administrator of the school. The council has the responsibility to set school policy and make decisions outlined in statute which shall provide an environment to enhance student achievement and help meet the goals established in KRS 158.645 and KRS 158.6451.

Making shared decisions results in a greater commitment to enhancing student achievement.