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Proficient in Reading:  Elementary 27%, Middle 37%, High 36%   Distinguished in Reading: Elementary 17%, Middle 20%, High 20%

Proficient in Math: Elementary 25%, Middle 28%, High 28%         Distinguished in Math: Elementary 7%, Middle 8%, High 10%


MathCounts 2019

On Saturday, February 16th, 2019, the Kentucky Society of Professional Engineers - Pine Mountain Chapter hosted the Regional MathCounts competition in Middlesboro, Kentucky on Southeast Community and Technical College campus.  Meredith Allen, a sixth grader at Bell Central, was the overall individual winner of the competition.  Meredith competed against other 6th through 8th grade students from Bell County Schools, Harlan County Shcools, Harlan Independent and Middlesboro Independent.   Along with first place, she won a full tuition paid scholarship to the University of Kentucky.  Congratuations to Meredith on achievement.

Bell Central's MathCounts team placed 2nd in that category.  Team members are Shelby Cornett, Austin Robbins, Emma Gambrel, and Meredith Allen.  They have the opportunity to compete at the state MathCounts competition in March. 

Meredith receiving award
Bell Central MathCounts Team


Meredith receiving award from Corey Napier                                     Bell Central MathCounts Team with Coach Amanda Day                        

Bell County's Mathletes Advance to State Competition!!



Five Bell Central students, Shelby Cornett, Abby Cornett, Laurel Nolan, Hunter Bailey, and Chase Huff, placed at the regional MATHCOUNTS Competition and advanced to the 34th Annual Kentucky MATHCOUNTS state competition.  MATHCOUNTS is the premiere venue in Kentucky for advanced mathmatics students to demonstrate their skills.  The Kentucky Society of Professional Engineers (KSPE) has proudly sponsored and organized MATHCOUNTS during this time.  At this year's event, there were 159 "Mathletes" representing 49 different schools from across the Commonwealth. 

Congratulations - We are Proud of our Mathletes!!